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Thursday, 16 September 2010

Twitter Library...#ukedchat

During tonight's #ukedchat (about gender differences in learning) the Kagan approach to cooperative learning was mentioned by several contributors. @KnikiDavies very quickly did some research, and the cheapest she could find the book was £38, which caused a sharp intake of breath.

However, this got me thinking. If there are a whole bunch of people joining this network of twitterers, can their collective power be harnessed to develop a Twitter Library. Here's the concept:
  • a page is created that #ukedchat followers can build up an "Essential Reading List"
  • if anyone has a copy, they indicate this on the page.
  • someone who wants to read the book contacts the owner.
  • the owner posts the book on, and the owner of the book is amended on the page.
  • when someone else wants the book, they contact the new owner, and that person sends it on.
Ok. This relies on people joining the group being prepared to purchase a book from the list, and then post it onto someone else. The original purchaser is paying for the book, and then for the postage. Why would you? Well, you should then have access to other books that are on the reading list. If the concept works, members of the group only have to buy one book. The only agreement is that everyone agrees to post the book to the person next on the list.

It would work on a great deal of trust, but there is a potential stick. Anyone who does not work within the trust of the library gets mentioned within the community network.

Am I barking mad? Has this been tried before? What tech solutions are available?

@curricadvocate and #ukedlibrary to discuss on Twitter!

Many thanks!

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